Just for Moms: Ways to Indulge in Self-Care for Mother’s Day

Get centered
Moms rarely get the opportunity to carve out enough quiet time to hear themselves think. This is exactly why kicking off your Mother’s Day with the gift of a half hour of mindful, quiet contemplation can help you set a peaceful tone for the day while setting your intentions for the day or week. Meditation doesn’t just cultivate a sense of calm and peace; it brings your stress levels down and carries many well-documented scientific benefits, such as lower blood pressure and decreased anxiety.
Seek thrills
What activity always gives you joy and energy? Dancing? Roller skating to disco? Hiking to a great view? Wave jumping in the ocean? Give yourself the time and permission you need this Mother’s Day to get back in the mix and have that adventure you keep putting off. You’ll make it one for the books and put a spring (or many!) back into your step.
Binge on a guilty pleasure without guilt
On Mother’s Day, every mother figure deserves undisputed mastery of the remote control. With such little time to indulge in the zen practice of spacing out for a few hours in front of the TV, why not carve out some time (who’s counting?) to watch or catch up on your favorite TV shows or check out that movie that always makes you laugh? Spacing out in front of the TV with a show or movie you already know and love can literally give your brain some rest, says a 2012 study.
A restorative bath or shower with all the fixings
When was the last time you paused to create a relaxing mood for yourself? Claim Mother’s Day as your time to give your shower or bath the whole spa experience, complete with music and candles. While you soak your stress away, lean into this meditative moment even further by indulging in some beauty rituals you’ve been putting off — there’s no better time to bust out that face mask you never have time to use or that bottle of red nail polish that’s been collecting dust.
An uninterrupted hour talking to your faves
Connecting with friends who make you laugh and love you no matter what doesn’t just give you joy, it also helps increase your sense of purpose, boosts your health, and can even help you live longer. All the more reason to claim an uninterrupted hour to hang out safely/Zoom with your favorite people — it’ll give you a mood boost that can last all day.
A long, leisurely walk outside
Thankfully, Mother’s Day comes at a time of year when everything starts to bloom and the weather is generally pleasant (if it isn’t already). Why not spend some of your day outside? Surround yourself with natural beauty by strolling through your local park or botanical garden, or checking out your local museum sculpture garden or grounds. If you’re a water person, take a drive out to a lake or the ocean and walk alongside the lapping waves. Time spent in nature holds many health benefits, and this is the perfect opportunity to let her gifts soothe you.
Unplugging for a set time
Moms often encourage their family members to take a screen break but, with so much to juggle, can be pretty lousy about doing it themselves. An easy (and free!) Mother’s Day gift you can give yourself is the gift of presence — meaning being in the present moment. Too much screen time can adversely affect mental health and rob you of sleep.
Eating a favorite meal you don’t have to cook
Mother’s Day should be all about you, and this means you shouldn’t have to settle when it comes to what’s on the menu. Food is one of the most fun, basic pleasures in life, so why not take advantage of the day to eat your favorite foods? Celebrate yourself by making your most-loved dish, or, if you can, treat yourself to an al fresco brunch at your favorite spot, or order takeout and enjoy your faves at home.
Check out by checking in to a hotel room
We’ve all been in tight quarters lately, but if you’re a mom, chances are you’d love to have a room of your very own (for 24 hours) to press pause on life and recalibrate your mind, body, and soul. If you have the means to give yourself that space, why not check yourself into a nice hotel room for room service and pampering? With so many deals and safe options to be booked (look into your hotel’s policies), there may be peace of mind and body to be had at last!
Article from: https://www.shondaland.com/live/family/a36319452/just-for-moms-ways-to-indulge-in-self-care-for-mothers-day/