Suggestions for getting the family together for Mother’s Day

Suggestions for getting the family together for Mother’s Day

So do you get Mom a gift to show your love or do something special as a family activity? Have any traditions that you follow year after year?

My family started a “tradition” if you will call it that, that has become more of a joke year after year than anything. It always seems like Mother’s Day weekend is the first really nice weekend of the year, so somehow, someway I always have gotten roped into pulling weeds!

Not such a fun tradition but hey, at least I am outside. We are now in a newer home that doesn’t show as many weeds so I have been off the hook for that.

One activity that has taken on a fantastic tradition in the city where I live is an annual Mother’s Day “Mom’s On The Run” marathon/walk that raises money for breast cancer and gynecological cancers to help support local women in our community that have financial struggles while battling cancer. This event has become a tradition and it is wonderful to see our community rally together each Mother’s Day!

In case picking weeds or running a marathon is not on your bucket list this year for Mother’s Day activities, here are some ideas of fun things to consider that I found from Good Housekeeping. A few suggestions I thought would be great are:

Complete a jigsaw puzzle

Go to a spa

Take a Flower arranging class

Go to a concert

There are over 50 ideas in that article so hopefully at least a few sound like something enticing. One more source of inspiration if you are looking for that unusual gift, is from Most of all, we at DETS wish all of the mother’s a very happy and momentous Mother’s Day!